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Zakat of The Ummah

Millions of Muslims trust us to deliver their Zakat every year to the right place. Our 100% Zakat policy and full accountability ensures that Zakat is delivered directly to the beneficiaries. 

100% To Zakah Projects

Here are some of the zakah eligible projects that your zakah is going towards.

Orphan Care

Build Home

Wedding Support

Medical Aid

Provide Water

Mobility Aid

Sewing Maching



Medical Aid





Sewing Maching

Wheel Chair


Calculate Your Zakat

Zakat contributions consist of 2.5% of our overall savings and assets, encompassing valuable possessions like gold, silver, precious minerals, properties other than primary residences, retirement funds, stocks, and various investments

Calculating your Zakat accurately can be challenging at times, which is why we have simplified the process for you by providing a Zakat calculator.

What is Zakat (Zakah)?

Performing Zakat is a form of worship that involves utilizing the wealth bestowed upon us by Allah, with the aim of removing any impurities from our earnings and ensuring that surplus wealth is shared among those who are less fortunate.

As a religious obligation, it must be carried out by any sane Muslim who has attained puberty and owns assets that exceed the minimum threshold (Nisab). This involves donating 2.5% of one’s total assets to support the needs of the poor and needy. The third fundamental principle of Islam is Zakat, which entails giving a designated portion of one’s wealth to specific underprivileged individuals. It’s essential to note that Zakat is not a tax or a form of charity; rather, it is a mandatory act of worship prescribed by Allah (swt) that highlights the responsibility and obligation the affluent have towards the less fortunate
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Performing Zakat is a form of worship that involves utilizing the wealth bestowed upon us by Allah, with the aim of removing any impurities from our earnings and ensuring that surplus wealth is shared among those who are less fortunate. As a religious obligation, it must be carried out by any sane Muslim who has attained puberty and owns assets that exceed the minimum threshold (Nisab). This involves donating 2.5% of one's total assets to support the needs of the poor and needy.

The third fundamental principle of Islam is Zakat, which entails giving a designated portion of one's wealth to specific underprivileged individuals. It's essential to note that Zakat is not a tax or a form of charity; rather, it is a mandatory act of worship prescribed by Allah (swt) that highlights the responsibility and obligation the affluent have towards the less fortunate

The ruling on Zakat

To fulfill the obligation of Zakat, a Muslim who possesses wealth that meets or exceeds the predetermined threshold (Nisab) must donate 2.5% of their assets to deserving beneficiaries, as mandated by Islamic law. This act of worship is considered compulsory.

Zakat FAQ

Once a person reaches the nisab and a lunar year (hawl) has passed by, then zakat is due immediately.

Every person who is sane, an adult (reached puberty), Muslim and sahib-un-nisab must pay Zakat as a duty.

To be a sahib-un-nisab means you possess more wealth than the level of nisab for a period of one lunar year or more.

•  Your home
• Car (s) owned for personal use
• Rental properties
• Jewelry not containing gold or silver (e.g. diamonds, precious stones, etc.)
• Furniture and household goods for use.

However, trade goods (any product obtained for the purpose of selling at a profit) are liable for zakāt at the nisab of 85 grams of gold. Your goods should be priced at the current wholesale price at the time of giving zakāt. Fixed assets such as buildings, furniture, machinery which are not acquired for sale, are not subject to zakāt.

In some cases one’s zakatable wealth may dip below the nisab throughout the year. In such cases of uncertainty, it is preferable for one to take the value of one’s zakatable assets at the beginning and end of the lunar year. If both values were above the nisab then zakat would be due.

Many scholars prefer that one should pay zakat based on silver (the lower value). This is due to a greater number of people fulfilling Zakat and hence being more beneficial to the poor and needy. However, if your only asset is gold, then the gold Nisab figure has to be used.

The preferable option is to distribute zakat locally. Alternatively, one may give zakat to one of the eight categories defined in the Qur’an anywhere in the world. Where they feel there is a particular benefit (maslahah) and their contribution would be more beneficial (e.g. recipients in extreme poverty, insufficient local donations, increased demand due to natural disasters, war etc.). One can also apportion their zakat to give some locally and some abroad.

If one has missed zakat payments over the years, then one must make a calculated estimate of the zakat missed for each year and discharge it accordingly. These payments are still binding on him even if many years have passed by and he did not know they were obligatory.

There is a difference of opinion on whether Zakat is due on gold/silver, which is for personal use. Some Companions including ‘A’isha (radi Allahu anha) hold that zakat is not due on these items on the premise that is a personal item (like clothes and other household goods) and hence would fall under items that are not zakatable. However, if the jewellery is used as a storage of value, then it is liable for zakāt. Also if the amount of jewellery is excessive, then it no longer treated as an item for personal use, and hence is liable for zakāt. Other Companions including Ibn Ma’sood hold that zakāt is payable on all jewellery. This is the safest opinion.

It is advised that you visit a local jeweller and ask them to value your jewellery for you.

The scholars differentiate between a debt in which one is confident of repayment and one, which is not. If the creditor is confident the debtor will pay when he is asked due to having the financial ability, then the creditor must include this in zakat payment. If however, the debtor is struggling and one is not confident he can pay when requested to, then this amount does not have to be calculated as part of zakat.

Gold and silver, including ornaments or jewellery containing gold and/or silver
Cash held at home or in bank accounts
Stocks and shares owned either directly or through investment funds
Money lent to others
Business stock in trade and merchandise
Agricultural produce
Livestock animals such as cows, buffalo, goats, sheep and camels
Produce of mines
Property owned for investment purposes

Yes, you can. Simply calculate your Zakat payments, divide this by 12 and set up a regular gift each month, specifying Zakat as the type of donation. This will ensure that your Zakat goes directly to eligible causes whilst avoiding the need for a single large payment at the end of the lunar year.

Zakat Categories

These are the catagories on which Zakat is spent on

  • The poor


  • The needy


  • Those In charge of distributing zakat

  • Those whose hearts are to be reconciled

  • Those in bondage

  • The debt-ridden

  • In the cause of God

  • The Wayfarer

Zakat Projects


Some of the
projects your
Zakat can

Some of the projects your Zakat can support

Zakat Fund

Orphans Fund

Tube Well


How Are We Accountable

To Allah

Who sees and knows everything. We will be questioned about the responsibility of the donations and amana of the donors

To Our Trustees & Scholars

Who overlook all the activities of the charity and ensure that the donations are used for the correct purpose under strict guidance and constant monitoring.

To Charity Commission

Our team ensures that the beneficiaries are eligible for Zakat by completing our due diligence with the community and field implementing partner.

To Our Donors

Our generous donors trust us to deliver their zakat to the poor and needy of the Ummah

We Are Accountable

To Allah

Who sees and knows everything. We will be questioned about the responsibility of the donations and amana of the donors

To Our Trustees & Scholars

Who overlook all the activities of the charity and ensure that the donations are used for the correct purpose under strict guidance and constant monitoring.

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To Charity Commission

Our team ensures that the beneficiaries are eligible for Zakat by completing our due diligence with the community and field implementing partner.

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To Our Generous Donors

Our donors trust us to deliver their zakat to the right people

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Pay Your Zakat With Ummah Appeal
